Self-Care, Self-Love

My “Non-Negotiables”

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” Tony Robbins

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” –Life’s Little Instruction Book


An assignment from my health coach was to come up with “non-negotiable” things that I am supposed to do everyday, no matter what.  The idea is to pick things that are supposed to help ground me, motivate me, bring me home, keep my calm, and support me in the best way. I LOVE this idea. It’s makes so much sense.

Here are the three things I chose:

Yoga        Meditation      Journal

These are things that I did do everyday at one time or another, but the consistency piece was not there. I do notice such a difference in every aspect of my life when I keep up with this stuff. So, I set an intention to make these my non-negotiables and stick to it for good. If only it were that easy…

At first I was doing GREAT with this. My plan was to do them in the morning, because  my evenings are so busy. Also – it’s just an awesome way to start off my day. I got up 15 minutes earlier everyday and did each of these things for just five minutes. This went on for a couple of weeks. I was also going to bed earlier, so that getting up earlier wouldn’t be so hard. Some days if I couldn’t do all three, I’d at least do one of them. It was going well. I was motivated and proud.

Then life got busier, I got lazier and started to slack. I haven’t done my non-negotiables for a couple of weeks now. I will do these things on and off, randomly. But definitely not all three of them, everyday.


Why can implementing positive changes into our lives be so hard? This things are GOOD for me and will only help me and inspire me.

So, after beating myself up about this for the last couple weeks I decided to knock that off (what good does it do?) and get back on track with this. I have no reason not to. Just because life gets busy is not a reason to stop doing these things. I need to do them everyday. They are non-negotiable! I know that I will not regret doing these things, ever.

If you had to pick three non-negotiable things to do everyday to help support you, motivate you and ground you…what would they be? No really…think about it! Really think about it and then pick three.

Now I am going to ask you to join me in sticking to those three non-neogtaibles….everyday.

Feel free to share with me what you choose, or don’t. We can help inspire each other! If you’re anything like me, all the motivation and support I can get makes all the difference.

Here’s to making positive changes that stick. We can do this!

2 thoughts on “My “Non-Negotiables””

  1. Great post, Lindsey! You are as inspiring as ever. And you’re absolutely right—you can start again any time, just because you want to and it makes you feel good.

    My top 3 non-negotiables right now are:
    Breathing for at least 5 minutes
    Yoga therapy (specific poses given to me to heal an injury)
    and meal planning (to reduce stress and eat well)

    1. Those are good ones! Love them. Breathing is something I’m trying to focus on too. It’s amazing what a difference that can make! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
