Self-Awareness, Yoga

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Your nose is directly linked to your brain and your nervous system. That is one reason why in yoga we focus so much on the breath. We use it as a tool to calm our minds and help create that mind-body-spirit connection. Focusing on the breath not only brings us right in to the present moment, it also directly affects our bodies and minds on a cellular level by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system. It helps calm the mind and relax the body. The parasympathetic nervous system is the opposite of our sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Even just taking deep belly breaths can start to change your brain chemistry, almost immediately.

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The Choice is Yours

“You can count your days or make your days count for something. The choice is yours. ” –  Louise Caiola


Waking up on the right side of the bed everyday is a choice.

Living life the fullest and enjoying every breath you take is a choice.

Allowing yourself to be here in the present moment is a choice.

 Loving yourself and those around you is a choice.

Being generous and giving back is a choice.

Being happy is a choice.

Treating yourself and your loved ones with respect is a choice.

 Being grateful for everything you have is a choice.

Appreciating the beauty of the world around you is a choice.

 Dealing with your problems, instead of running away form them, is a choice.

Being honest with yourself is a choice.

Feeling your feelings is a choice.

Surrounding yourself with people who only lift you higher is a choice.

Eating right and taking care of your mind, body and soul is a choice.

Following your passions is a choice.

Doing what makes your soul shine is a choice.

Saying yes (or no) to whoever or whatever is a choice.

Making your wants and needs known is a choice.

Letting go of anything (or anyone) that’s no longer serving you is a choice.

Doing your best and giving your all, in everything you do, is a choice.

Doing what you need to do for you is a choice.

In every single moment of your life you have a choice.

Creating the life we want for ourselves is completely up to us and our choices. The choices we make on a day to day, moment to moment basis.

Everyday. Every breath. Every moment.

I think that is amazing.


Self-Awareness, Self-Care, Self-Love

Self-Care Promise

“I have come to believe that caring of myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde

“Make a promise to yourself to make her own well-being sacred.” – Unknown


As life gets busier and busier, I find myself neglecting to do certain things because I feel like I don’t have the time. There are only so many hours in the day, right? Getting up early to practice yoga or meditate most days seems impossible. Eating out or eating a frozen meal seems easier faster than cooking healthy meals. Clean my apartment? Yeah, I’ll do that later. Getting eight hours of sleep a night?  Um, yeah right. I find myself putting too many things on my plate; saying yes to things I don’t really have time for. I’m sure I’m not the only one who lets this happen. Especially when life gets busy, it’s easy to put ourselves last.

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Recreate Your Life Story

One of my blog posts was selected to be a part of the curriculum for the first ever Tiny Buddha e-course called “Recreate Your Life Story: Change the Script and Be the Hero”. I couldn’t be more honored or excited to be a part of this amazing opportunity! I have been following the Tiny Buddha blog for years now. I thought being a guest blogger on the site was exciting, but this is just a dream come true.

This e-course is amazing and I encourage you to check it out and give it some serious thought. You will not regret it! Lori Deschene, the founder of Tiny Buddha and the woman running this course, is such an inspiration.

Click this following link to find more info about this life-changing e-course:



Going with My Gut

I recently began flirting with the idea of possibly buying property, most likely a condo or a townhouse. I’m tired of throwing my money away to rent and it is so frustrating that every year, for no reason that I can see or benefit from, the rent goes up and up and up. Also, I love the idea of having a place that is truly my own. Everyone in my life seemed to be on board and think this idea was worth exploring. That made me even more excited!

Continue reading “Going with My Gut”

Self-Care, Self-Love

My “Non-Negotiables”

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” Tony Robbins

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” –Life’s Little Instruction Book


An assignment from my health coach was to come up with “non-negotiable” things that I am supposed to do everyday, no matter what.  The idea is to pick things that are supposed to help ground me, motivate me, bring me home, keep my calm, and support me in the best way. I LOVE this idea. It’s makes so much sense.

Continue reading “My “Non-Negotiables””

Self-Awareness, Yoga

Let Go

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.”   – Thich Nhat Hanh

Let go.

This one simple act can fill your life with so much love and joy you won’t know what to do with yourself.

It’s so easy to let the little stuff get to us. To focus on the negative, to hold on to things (the past, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, people, situations, etc) that bring us down. We don’t even realize we do it.

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Be Still

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat any time and be yourself.”  – Hermann Hesse

“It is the stillness that will save and transform the world.” – Eckhart Tolle

I came across this amazing gem of a poem today and wanted to share it with all of you! Love, love, love this. Just reminds me how important taking time everyday to be still is. It really will change your life! After yoga class this morning I was talking to my friend about how I need to make time to be still more often. Without that stillness, my mind becomes chaotic and my life, attitude and actions become a direct reflection of that. My timing for discovering this poem couldn’t have been more perfect. It amazes me how the universe works sometimes.


“12 Gifts of Stillness” by Goli Gabbay Kafka

In stillness, we can break away from the inundation of information entering our mind, and make space for our own unique creativity to spark.

In stillness, we create the space to access our inner calm.

In stillness, we can listen to our inner guidance system.

In stillness, we have those “aha” moments, moments of full presence and connection to all life.

In stillness, we can feel how deeply our souls are connected to nature.

In stillness, we can be attuned to what areas in our life require tenderness, healing or courage.

In stillness, we can hear that little voice that whispers what our next steps are for growth and expansion.

In stillness, we can listen to our Truths.

In stillness, we can feel what truly inspires us and brings us Joy.

In stillness, we can hear our soul reveal what our life purpose is.

In these moments of emptiness, we can feel how we wish to contribute to the world.

In stillness, we can be clear about what legacy we would like to leave behind.


Continue reading “Be Still”

Self-Awareness, Self-Love

Question or change your beliefs and your life will follow!

“What if it’s only one simple belief between where you are and where you want to be?”

Something I’ve given a lot of thought to lately is what exactly makes it possible for us to create the lives we want. I think a lot of it has to do with our attitude about life and ourselves, as well as the decisions and choices we make. Even more than those things though, our beliefs that we hold about life, love, relationships, work …everything really – those are what really shape our lives.   These could be things we grow up thinking we are “supposed” to do or believe. Get married, have kids, go to a certain church, work at a job you hate, etc. They are also beliefs that are formed because of things that have happened to us in the past. We got hurt, bad things happened, we didn’t succeed at something we hoped to, etc.

Think about it for a minute. Here is one example of what I’m talking about:

Somewhere along the way you stop believing in yourself. If you believe you aren’t good enough, that you’ll never amount to anything – well, you’re right! If you truly believe that about yourself, of course it’s true. You won’t try harder or do better, because why would you? And if you do decide to try and it doesn’t work out, it justifies your belief that you shouldn’t have tried in the first place.

Now, on the other hand, if you believe in yourself and that you are capable of anything – anything is possible. You’ll try to do your best and go after your dreams. Even if you screw up or things don’t go as planned, because you love and believe in yourself, you don’t let it drag you down or stop you from trying again.

Another example; I’ll use myself this time:

Growing up I always thought I would have kids, never really questioned it one way or the other. I just believed it was what you’re supposed to do. Grow up. Get married. Have babies.  I never really stopped to think about what I actually wanted my life to look like. It wasn’t until I was engaged last year that I really realized I had NO idea what I wanted my life to look like. I had never stopped and thought about it before. I had to do the hardest thing that I’ve ever done in my whole life; I left the man I loved because I knew I couldn’t get married feeling that way. The last year of my life was really about figuring out who I am and what I want. It was the best thing I could have ever done for myself and for both of our futures. It was hard to see it that way at the time, but looking back it was something that needed to happen. This story has a happy ending, as my boyfriend and I did end up back together about six months later. The best part of it all is that I have a clearer picture of who I am and what I want. That is SO important. If I had gotten married feeling that way, neither of us would be in a very happy place right now.  We also probably would have gone along with having kids because you’re “supposed” to and as it turns out, neither of us think we really want kids.

There are SO many beliefs we have about ourselves and our lives that are only holding us back for living the life we truly want. These are usually things we don’t even realize. The amazing thing is it’s up to you to figure this out and make the changes we need or want.

If you really believe that you aren’t good enough and you’ll never amount to anything – you have to STOP that belief right now. NO good can come from that belief and it’s certainly not true.

If you are making decisions or changes in your life because they are things you’re “supposed” to do, I encourage you to take a step back and explore that a little more.

Really be honest with yourself about what you believe, deep down in your core. Be honest with yourself about everything. Ask yourself what you really believe about life, love, relationships, work, and spirituality, all of it. What you believe, what you want, what you need. These aren’t always the easiest questions to ask, but they are the most necessary if you want to be happy. The answers aren’t the easiest things to find either, but they are there. They are there in your heart and soul just waiting to be discovered.

Are you living your life a certain way because you believe that is how you’re supposed to do it?

Are you holding yourself back from a life of abundance because you believe you don’t deserve otherwise?

Once we ask ourselves these questions and find the answers deep in our soul, we can start creating the life we want. If we realize certain beliefs we have that no longer make sense, are no longer true, or they are self sabotaging…we can CHANGE them.

How awesome is that?